Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No, I didn't freeze to death

... I've just been intensely busy since my return from the windy city. Yes, it was cold, as I anticipated. A couple of days delivered high temperatures around 7 degrees and even at my most bundled, I seemed to be nearly escaping frost bite. I've definitely seen a better side of Chicago.
Between the frigid weather, frustrating and offensive teachers, and having all of my booth money (around $1,500) stolen, I left a little jaded. Maybe that's why I haven't said hello in nearly a month.

On to more exciting things! 

I'm leaving for New York in only two days!! My flight leaves Friday morning, much earlier than it should. But nonetheless, I am so excited to get this show on the road. There are so many elements to this trip that are making my toes tingle in anticipation. First of all, it's NEW YORK CITY! duh. Second of all, I get to be there on Valentine's Day with Daniel... forget Valentine's Day, I get to be with him the whole time!! 

Thirdly and maybe most poignantly, I'm taking the trip for work. While, I'm not ecstatic about being locked inside a convention center until 6pm every evening, the professional aspect brings some attractive qualities to the equation. Sure it's nice that I don't have to pay for transportation, hotel or meals, but even more than that, it's the feeling of being a grown up. I know that sounds ridiculous, but "being in Manhattan on business" has a certain "big fish" ring to it (even though we all know once I step off that plane my "big fish" will turn to krill, figuratively speaking). But even so, I have a sense of accomplishment and pride associated with this trip. 

I do trade shows all the time, but this one is the mother of them all, for the location, the pizzazz and for the money that is thrown around between people who say "do you have any idea who I am" far too often. I feel a bit like I'm coming into my own in a most unlikely situation (who knew it would come about by selling bugs?). I want to be an event coordinator and I actually am. And it's not just boring trade show booths and AV equipment this time, but rather a swanky venue, cocktails, hors d' oeuvres, flowers and the prettiest darn invitations you ever did see. For the company's 40th Anniversary party I've gotten to pay the closest attention to detail and it's made me stressed and very happy :) 

It feels really good to say "When I grow up, I want to be..." and realize that I'm getting there.

I know my blog is always lacking in the picture department, but after New York, I promise not to disappoint!